This collaboration with Joanna began in February 2020 with the design of a lettering. Then, we collaborate until the album that allowed us to decline the whole Joanna's identity on a diversity of mediums : jewelbox, vinyle, tees, and even a collaborative fanzine.
Lettering and art direction Julie Meyer
Photographies by Emma Panchot
Style by Samantha Gil assisted by Alya Derris
Make-up artist Lola Cadet
2021 Art direction, lettering, layout, scans of Joanna’s personnal accessories
Lettering and art direction Julie Meyer
Photographies by Emma Panchot
Style by Samantha Gil assisted by Alya Derris
Make-up artist Lola Cadet
2021 Art direction, lettering, layout, scans of Joanna’s personnal accessories

Lettering and A.D. Julie Meyer
Photographies by Emma Panchot
Style by Samantha Gil assisted by Alya Derris
MUA Lola Cadet
Photographies by Emma Panchot
Style by Samantha Gil assisted by Alya Derris
MUA Lola Cadet